I read through the Daclify smart contracts and I have some thoughts… What could be improved and what is not clear to me…
payroll module looks ok
remove internal wallet and transfers for users - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L488
withdraw action (remove it) - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L462
on_transder action remove - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L958
clearbals action remove - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L1010 -
remove fileupload and filepublish and filedelete - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L892 ( can be replaced by a module smart contract for example: Telos Amend Getting Started | Telos Docs)
there is a concept of signing users terms - so if the internal files options were deleted from the smart contract that would mean that this option should be changed to a new files model - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L619
why there is a ipayroll action? why other modules should be able to call them? - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L845
don’t understand the point of this - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L176
what is setuifram? - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L806
there is a reference to the elections module (originally designed for vigor) - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifycore/blob/168ddc14538a5251e4931b9624e239292bb92499/src/daclifycore.cpp#L391
what is the point of hooks? https://github.com/Daclify/daclifymodules/blob/7550b62388ae6ecff7b47dc54cae4ac03be75ec4/hooks/src/hooks.cpp#L6
members of the dao should be able to vote for polls (maybe only if they have stake and boid power?) (need some simple smart contract with a polling system)
instead of doing child dacs for different department we change the smart contract to allow division by departments? (something like roles maybe like admin, marketing, dev etc)
we can replace existing custom multisign with normal multisign and just record created multisign in the tables in the smart contract during the action creation process…
interesting, elections module has an option for allowing only members that have a certain stake (stake is held inside the smart contract acc) amount to vote - https://github.com/Daclify/daclifymodules/blob/7550b62388ae6ecff7b47dc54cae4ac03be75ec4/elections/src/elections.cpp#L146
@john what do you think?