GPU Miners! The Ravencoin Blockchain has forked!
For NVIDIA Miners:
We have updated the Boid Desktop app to utilize a new pool + new trex miner app.
To get the new miner app and connect to the new pool, you need to open the GPU Settings (Gear icon on GPU section of the Desktop app) Then click the red RESET button.
This will delete your local miner app and restart the Boid app, next time you enable the GPU section, the Boid app will download the latest version of t-rex and connect to the correct pool.
For AMD Miners:
The new version of Wildrig (AMD Miner app) is not yet available, we expect it will be available soon and will let you know when it’s ready.
Manual Configuration (advanced users only)
This is only necessary if you want to run the GPU miner outside of the Boid app.
Download the latest trex miner:
Create a .bat file with this text, replace YOURDEVICEID with your Boid Device id.
@echo off
t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RFwjWWCLbKQQjTtAjwZeRb2HzqT1Jkpfff.YOURDEVICEID -p x
goto start
You can check the status here: