Payment tracking and history display

Hi Community!
I created a prototype of Boid payment tracking in way back in the days :slightly_smiling_face:

Users login with Scatter and no account creation is needed.

I would like to update it to current situation so everybody in the Boid community can keep track of their rewards. There are a number of changes needed behind the scenes as well as some updates on the frontend.

Needed changes

  • Swap the history api to fetch data from the Blockchain
  • Support Boid staking
  • Updates to the UI

Current design

5,000,000 BOID

  • Yes
  • No
  • Other (please comment)
  • Different Bounty reward

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Jan is a long-term Boid contributor and eospayout is a useful tool.

I think this would be a good integration but maybe we could talk in more detail about what kind of data the community would like to see. We have which is great for overall network data but doesn’t show any account-specific data, I think eospayout would be good for the account specific use-case.

What kind of stats would you like to track as a Boid user?

I like that idea! I was just talking to John that it may be a good idea to look into dfuse to be able to read data from blockchain… and replace existing user stats… I think this should be done in stages and then for each additional option we could add some BOID for development