Proposal Template
Proposal name
Delegated Stake anonymous or reveal delegator?
On the wallet tab we have the option to delegate staked BOID to a BOID ID. I propose that the delegator should be able to have the option to remain anonymous (i think this is the way now) or have their BOID ID show up in the receiver’s wallet.
Right now if someone delegates staked BOID to me I see how much is delegated but I don’t know who it is from. It would be nice to know who made the delegated staked BOID.
Right now if someone has received some delegated staked BOID from another BOID user they can’t see who it came from. It would be nice to know who delegated the staked BOID so they could thank them. But the person who delegated the staked BOID should have the option to remain anonymous.
On the wallet tab there could be a tick box that says remain anonymous when delegating the stake amount. But now thinking about it if everything is on chain it might be hard to stay anonymous. If this is the case then it would we nice to see who delegated BOID to me in my wallet section.
Cost and timeline
As I am not a developer and only learning I am not sure how hard this would be to implement.