Boid Community Calls every Monday!


Make your voice heard

The Boid community will be holding a group call in the official Boid Telegram group. Anyone is welcome to drop in and listen or participate in the discussion. These conversations will be the first place to learn about some aspects of Boid we have been working on behind the scenes. You can learn about the next steps for the Boid Network and how you can contribute to the success of Boid. The call will start at 15:00 UTC in the telegram channel: every Monday.

Help Boid become a Block Producer on Telos

The Boid Block Producer on the Telos blockchain has steadily collecting votes and is now only a few slots away from being an active BP in the top 21! If you are a member of the Telos community you can help us move up the ranks by voting for our BP “bp.boid” or voting for our poxy “proxy.boid”. Here is a direct link to vote for our proxy:

Help Boid build IBC on Telos

Currently we have a live Telos Works proposal to fund the development of an improved IBC solution which would enable Boid to scale across multiple blockchains. This is critical for the future of Boid to operate on Telos and we encourage you to login and vote YES for our proposal. We appreciate your consideration!